Recently, I’ve had a conversation with Davide Bellone, on LinkedIn about the different strategies of string concatenation and their relative performance (You can read its post here).

His take was that, even though the built-in class StringBuilder is generally the most performant way to concatenate string, it isn’t always the best choice, especially with fewer items.
To prove his point, he showed the benchmark he ran with the associated code :

public void Append()
    var value = "";

    foreach(var item in items)
        value += item;

public void StringConcat()
    var value = "";

    foreach(var item in items)
        value = string.Concat(value, item);

public void StringBuilder()
    var sb = new StringBuilder();

    foreach(var item in items)

    var value = sb.ToString();

Here are the results: Graph of the benchmark (N=6 and N=9 are included to show the tipping point of memory and CPU consumption)

I’m not writing this article to debate the efficiency of StringBuilder. However, it’s not the most performant way to concatenate a collection of strings. Contrary to what is shown on the benchmark, string.Concat is - and by far - the most efficient way. The reason for its bad results in the previous benchmark is simply a misuse: string.Concat is meant to concatenate multiple items at once, not one by one.

Here is the fixed implementation of the benchmark code :

public void StringConcat()
    var value = string.Concat(items);

Then, here are the new results: Graph of the fixed benchmark

We can see that string.Concat outperforms the other strategies, especially with a low amount of items. This kind of performance is possible because of the underlying algorithm of string.Concat: it allocates a unique string which is as long as the summed items’ length, then it copies every item in the newly created string. You can see the implementation here. This also means that such an algorithm is not possible when enumerable (counting items of an enumerable is slow), so they use another implementation (here). This second implementation uses an internal string builder called ValueStringBuilder (implementation here) which focuses on memory consumption.

Even though benchmarks show that ValueStringBuilder runs a bit slower than StringBuilder, it also consumes less than half the memory (beware the scale is logarithmic): Graph of string builder comparaison

As conclusion:

  • string.Concat is, by far, the best method to concatenate an collection of strings even compared to the StringBuilder. This mean you could make a generator (method with yield return inside) with conditional branches, loops, etc and concatenate the result! Awesome!
  • For more advanced scenarii, like string partial mutation, StringBuilder is the best way to go

You can find the benchmark code here for the original version and here for my fixed version and additions